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SoHumAwareness.org - Keeping Southern Humboldt informed in times of disaster

I created SoHumAwareness.org (the website) in the spring of 2010 due to the tremedous response I had with a Facebook Page called SoHum Awareness. This page was created because of the intense weather causing landslides and road closures across southern Humboldt. The FB page has 2 other administrators besides myself, Kym Kemp and Estelle Fennell. Kym is THE news source for our area and Estelle, who has many connections in the community because she used to be the news director at KMUD. I asked them both to come on board when I created the page, it is still a 'go to' source for information.

The website version of SoHumAwareness, is built on the WordPress platform, using the default TwentyTen theme with CSS customizations and post formats set up. It will also allow multiple people posting rights, if a major disaster takes place. It is also an archive of many of the FB page postings, one never knows when FB will go away.

www.sohumawareness.org - go there


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